Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
For those of you out there with kids.. these videos are either redundant or hilarious. I'm gonna keep posting them for my family's sake. This one just cracks me up. Yes.. the bib is on backwards and Mo is a bit too small for the high chair. That's how we roll.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
This just cracks me up!
It doesn't make me a "bad" mom that I just grabbed the camera and giggled? Does it? Does it??
Another trip to Albuquerque!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sweet potatoes!
Last night the Mo-man had his first bites of sweet potatoes. This morning I changed a diaper that has rivaled non-other. A new day has dawned at the Hayes home.
Before you watch this video I must apologize for a couple of things.
#1 - The silly voice I use when I talk to Moses. It's awful. Poor guy, he's stuck with me all day.
#2 -The camera, um, person, whomever it was, really needs to refine their skills. You get just as good a view of the back of Miah's hand as you do of Mo's sweet face. Sorry.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
We're a go!
And, as a side note, his tummy issues have actually started getting better since we started the cereal!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Going to the doctor..again.
So, his cold is gone, thank goodness. He handled it like a trooper. Now we're dealing with some tummy issues. A few weeks ago I stopped nursing Mo, for a million reasons I won't go into, and we have been trying to figure out this formula thing. For starters, formula is gross. It smells bad and I can't imagine it tastes very good. After trying a few different brands Moses decided he liked the most expensive one on the market.. atta boy. So while I now have a formula he will eat, he has become so constipated that he just doesn't have a lot of room in his belly. We have tried Karo syrup, apple juice and prune juice. It has all left me with more questions than answers. How much juice? Do we start solids? How much Karo syrup can the kid have, for Pete's sake?! Since our beloved Dr. Nancy switched practices we made a trip to another doc this week for some help. While he is a wonderful physician, I think because he is not a pediatrician he just gave me some weird advice. So the hunt was on for a pediatrician. They are in short supply in Farmington, so we decided on a group of physicians in Durango. They are the same docs that checked Mo out at the hospital and we have some friends that use them. So we went this morning and it was so wonderful to have someone who works with little people exclusively. Now we have a game plan: a new formula, probiotics and a plan for starting solids. And! Finally! Help with Mo's rash! Yay! This poor kid has sandpaper for skin and it gets so bad on his elbows that the skin actually breaks and gets all weepy. Eww. He could care less but it sure isn't pretty! I have a feeling Mo will be better in no time, and, if he isn't, the ped said to call and we will figure something else out! As Miah would say, "Chee-hoo!"
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Still sicky's..
- Humidifier.. check!
- Baby Vick's.. check!
- Saline drops.. check!
- Snuggles.. check!
- Plenty of love.. check!