Can you believe that Moses is already four months old?? FOUR??
For the stats: he weighed in at 15 pounds 5 ounces and almost 25 inches long. His doctor commented on how "round" he is. He is round :) And handsome. He "received" three shots today. It was awful, but thank goodness Jeremiah was there with me!
On a sad note, his doctor is moving to a women's health practice in Durango. I could have cried. I love Ms. Nancy, and seeing how we were both her patients it would seem that I am looking for a new doctor as well.
As far as baby books go, there are a few on the horizon that I would like to read. I am still reading Tracy Hogg's "The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems", and would like to read "Bringing Up Boy's" by James Dobson. Also on my radar are "Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Ted Tripp and "Don't Make Me Count to Three" by Ginger Plowman. All come highly recommended!
In Our Arms
7 years ago
Wow Sue, 4 months! I really can't believe it. What's even more wild is that Mo is just a few pounds shy of Keely. But she's a petite little girl. As for the childcare thing, I actually found this lady on Craigslist. She lives behind my house and does a small in home childcare (no more than 4 kids). I've found that the smaller and more personal environment has helped me have more peace of mind that she's receiving great care and being nurtured in so many ways. I'll be thinking of you on your quest for care. I know it's a hard one, but you'll find what's best for your family :)
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