Hello all! Well, I admit that my updates have been a bit dull a lately. There just really isn't a whole lot to say. Moses is growing and as sweet as can be. He naps well, the nights are horrible, and we are exhausted. That may sound a bit dismal, but the attitude around here is rather chipper, actually. We're just figuring things out, and the days are filled with a lot if silly laughter because, for those of you who don't know, I am hilarious. Just ask Moses.
I posted awhile back about nursing school. I heard last week (or the week before??) that I did, in fact, get in. This is fabulous news. The only other time I got into nursing school was a few years ago and it would have cost around $60,000 to complete and I would have had to live on another island than my husband. Obviously that was a no-go. So the prospect of going to nursing school is very exciting. However, the prospect of leaving my sweet son in the care of someone else for 20 hours a week is not so exciting. And may be a deal breaker. I have this sweet boy and I am committed to raising him the best way I know how, and taking him to a daycare center just doesn't fit into my plans. If I could find someone to watch him for me (without breaking the bank) or find a small in home daycare that I felt comfortable with that may just change things.. but so far that hasn't panned out and I'm a bit at a loss.
But daycare isn't the real issue here. If nursing really is the way to go we will find a way to make it work. What the real issue is has more to do with what kind of mom I want to be and how I view these next years raising my child, and eventually, children. A friend sent me a link to a couple of interviews of Dr. Laura by Focus on the Family and they really struck a cord with me. These days of raising my children will pass so quickly, they are but a season, and I don't know if I want to spend two years of them being both a mom and a nursing student. A decision needs to be made and I am hoping that the Lord makes it clear which path to take!
In Our Arms
7 years ago
Praying for you- I know you'll make the right decision. Trust in God and follow where He leads. Seek to glorify Him and you can't go wrong!
Sounds like Mo needs to teach Thomas how to nap, and Thomas can teach Mo how to sleep at night. He's not great at it, but getting better! We'll get there, with joy along the way!
Praying for you! I know you'll make the right decision for your family. Trust in God and follow where He leads. Seek to glorify Him, and you can't go wrong! I would love to help out with daycare, but the whole Albuquerque/Farmington commute puts a bit of a damper on those plans.
Sounds like Mo needs to teach Thomas how to nap, and Thomas can teach him how to sleep at night (he's not great still, but much better!). We'll get there, with joy along the way! Keep it up, you're such a great mom!
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