Jeremiah and I spent Friday night and Saturday in Durango at Mercy Regional Hospital so we could take our birthing classes! On Friday night we learned (ie. the dads learned :) basic anatomy and our instructor, Maggie, answered questions for all the soon to be mama's and dad's. All together there were 12 sets of parents, all due within about 6 weeks of us. My interests lay more in where to go, what to do, what will happen. I seem to be somewhat Type A about all things baby related.
Once we wrapped up for the evening, Jeremiah and I headed to The Dollar Inn. Now, granted, we did choose to stay at the cheapest place we could find. Come to find out, we got exactly what we paid for! It. was. hilarious. First we got the key to an occupied room, so we almost became quite close with our neighbors. Then an oversight led us to a smoking room. Then we were given the key our sanctuary for the evening. Dirty sheets, trash on the floor, nasty bathrooms, and the sound of traffic to lull us to sleep. What more could a 36.5 week prego lady ask for? At least one of the beds were clean and we decided to just sleep. Easier said than done, but whatever! The next morning we headed over the office for our "continental breakfast" which was really some old donuts and a pot of coffee. Sigh, I took my joe and powdered donut and then we were off to our baby classes, all fueled up and ready to go!!
Saturday we watched some birthing videos (with lots of squirmy daddy's watching!!), learned about breastfeeding, did some communication worksheets to make sure mom and dad were on the same page, then we got to head up to the Family Birthing Center to check things out. We saw where to park, where to come in, the triage rooms, and the birthing rooms. We then headed over to the nursery. The nurses were lovely and I really felt at ease seeing what they were going to do to the little guy and knowing that Jeremiah would be with him the entire time.
Oh, and they have a special lactation room where mom's can return to the hospital and get some one on one help if any problems with breastfeeding come up. Very cool.
We ended the day by learning some laboring positions, pressure points, and whatnot.
The whole experience got me so excited for the big day! I may be some wacko, but I am so curious about what labor will be like. I am actually very excited about! It also helped the reality of a BABY to sink in a bit more. I kind of feel like I am just going through the motions and this weekend really helped it to all sink in. There is a POINT in all this prep! A sweet little bundle, who, thankfully, doesn't legally have to be named for 12 days after birth :)
In Our Arms
7 years ago
Next time Priceline, name your own price.
KC and I do this for a really, really good deal for our nights in ABQ!
Your hotel attempt sounded like our guys journey to get a cheap hotel in Hollywood on a Saturday night with Covert...
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