Many of you know how long I have wanted to be a nurse. I remember the time in my life that this desire began to develop, and although at the time I said it was God leading me I have often second guessed myself. To be honest, I am not sure if nursing is a calling or an opportunity, but either way the Lord has used it in my life to teach me a great many things about walking with him.
Although I tried (and tried!) to get into nursing school at UNM, I was never able to, hence my decision to apply at Hawaii Pacific University. I was accepted right as I met my Miah and we were married so quickly that I put nursing on the back burner again and graduated with a BUS degree (in stuff: African American studies, communication, history and religion...) from UNM. When HPU sent me a letter a few months later, it was just the catalyst that Jeremiah and I needed and we moved to HI (that is the Reader's Digest version). We bought a condo right down the street from HPU and it all seemed to fall into place. Until Jeremiah was told he would be working 5 days a week for at least 6 months on another island. After much prayer about the decision to be spending so much time apart we decided that the Lord was leading us to move to Molokai and back to the back burner nursing went. Perhaps I should not say back burner, because each time nursing school did not work out I was sure that the Lord was directing our path and leading us in the way we should go. I knew I was making the right decision for my marriage by not attending HPU - not only the right decision, but the one the Lord wanted me to make.
Well, now another opportunity has presented itself. I am applying to the nursing program here in Farmington. I have a big comprehensive exam to take on November 21 (Baby Hayes, please stay put until then!!!) and much of my day is spent studying. Let me tell ya, it has been an adjustment preparing for an exam again after all these years! Thank goodness for that period of being an algebra tutor while we were in HI!! I will apply to San Juan's nursing program before the baby is due and will find out next April if I made it. It is a very competitive program, just like at UNM, so we will see what the future holds. I would not start until next fall, of 2010. The neat thing is that because of all the credits I have from UNM my first two semesters would consist of only one class and I would be able to skip the first summer of classes entirely.
So, I have no idea was the future holds, but I am grateful that I can try, try once again!!
"Strength and dignity are her clothing. She SMILES at the future."
Proverbs 13:25
In Our Arms
7 years ago
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