Friday, October 17, 2008

The nursery!

Well, the little guy's room is about 99% complete! Yay! I still need a couple small things, but there is one last shower coming up the first weekend in November so I am holding out on purchasing them. Now, for my family members out there, I know that there aren't a lot of knick knacks - that was intentional, just don't tell Granny :)

In this first one, I have his bathrobe and towel hanging from lovely shelf Cris got us. And, of course, the cute hamper Jen got us.

Here is the window treatment that my mother in law, Kat, so beautifully put together. She also sewed the pillow that is in the glider, oh, she got us the glider, too. Yeah, she's a good lady. I love the cute little burp cloth that Lindsay got us. I am still searching for a nursing book to go on the side table. I hear it's good to have one handy.

The beautiful crib and bedding, thanks Mom!

Here is the changing table, which still needs the contoured pad. Lins got us the pictures hanging on the wall, which all show scenes from nursery rhymes.

This room was such a collective effort and I am so grateful for EVERYONE who has blessed us so richly. We, Jeremiah, the little guy, and I all thank you.


alex&stacey said...

It's absolutely precious!!! You did such a wonderful job Sue!!!