Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Activity time.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A few pictures from the day.
Moses in his bouncer. I think this counts and buckling him in!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
A few pictures from the day.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
What a good boy.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A quick update and a few pictures...
We also saw a breastfeeding consultant yesterday and today. She is AWESOME. SO very, very helpful. I was not prepared for the pain associated with breastfeeding. We have adjusted Mo's latch a bit and now are just working with the engorgement. I really want to make breastfeeding work for as long as I am up for it, so all the extra help is invaluable.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Baby Hayes has arrived!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Baby Time!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Forty ONE week check-up
We finished the parade of appointments with the midwives. Since all the tests went so well I am free to keep on waiting for him to come when he is ready. I do have to go back up to Durango on Friday for another non-stress test and to meet with the midwives. Heidi did want to schedule an induction for next Tuesday at 7:30am, which I consented to only because I will only have to use it if something comes up in between now and then. I do not want to have an induction because I am uncomfortable. The only reason that I will consent is if something is wrong: not enough amniotic fluid, placental insufficiency, etc. It overwhelms me a bit to even be talking about induction. I have read that first time mothers, on average, have their babies at 41 weeks and 1 day. Another study said that 42 weeks is the norm. All the tests say that everything is okay, so why even talk about induction? They are NOT risk free. Pitocin and cervadil do have risks...anyway, I will save you all from a rant on that subject. Anyway, we finished off the appointment with another sweeping of the membranes, so much fun, and found I am still at 2cm and 60% effaced. That is rather disappointing because carrying this kid around is not pain free and I thought for sure all that "ouch" was doing something!! of the only at home remedies that I have not tried that may induce labor is castor oil. I may try that in the morning. It will be fairly unpleasant, but all this talk about induction makes me nervous so it is worth considering.
Some say that spicy food will help, so tonight we went to Boon's Thai and I had the spiciest red curry I have ever attempted to eat. Holy smokes, it was SPICY, but soooo good!
Thank you all for joining in the anticipation with us. Once Baby Hayes is here, this will all be a memory. We can't wait to meet him face to face :)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Baby Jesus?
Monday, December 15, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
40 Week Check-Up
So, the nitty gritty. Nothing has changed from the last two appointments. I am still at 2cm and 60% effaced. There are no "signs" that labor will happen anytime soon. She did strip my membranes (nice, huh?) and that can sometimes get things going...sometimes not. Baby Hayes hasn't dropped yet. However, Heidi says that doesn't mean much and that I could still go into labor tonight, if my son chose it! Isn't that great? All that information doesn't mean a darn thing! Ha!
Sooo, if next Wednesday rolls around and still no baby I will go up to Durango to the Family Birthing Center for 30 minutes of fetal monitoring. Then for an ultrasound to check amniotic fluid levels, etc. Then to meet with the midwife to assess what's going on. If all is well, they will let me go one more week after that but they don't like to let woman go more than two weeks past their due date. I do not want to be induced, so I am hoping that my body will do what it needs to whenever the baby is ready to come. Tomorrow is a full moon, so maybe that will be the trigger that's needed!
I am pretty worn out because I haven't been sleeping well. On top of having to go to the bathroom every couple of hours I have a nasty cough that has been keeping me up. I went and got some cough medicine that Heidi gave the okay on and am going to try that. She also suggested I take a sleep aid and try to get as much sleep as possible in the coming days. So now that everyone has an update, I am off to bed!
Baby Blankets!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
December 10
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
MY ducks!
Nothing new..
I still haven't got to the point where I am miserable. I am still doing life: all my exercise classes that I love, shopping, cleaning, etc. A few women have said that I have to get miserable before he comes so that labor seems worth it - I sure hope they are wrong! I am thinking it will be worth it no matter what :), but I understand their point.
I am hoping that I will be able to hop on here and leave a note saying that we are headed to the hospital, just to keep everyone in the loop. Please keep us in your prayers!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Now, that was nice!
Come on, Son, we're ready to meet you!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
39 Week Check-Up!
I did receive the results of my biometric screening, apparently I am overweight with high cholesterol :) No, not really, just very pregnant. All the numbers are just right for someone who is nine months prego. We will see what they (Jeremiah's company and our insurance) say! I have been trying to walk in the afternoons and have been drinking the Raspberry Leaf Tea, but I'm not feeling fed up with pregnancy yet. I think this sweet little person will come whenever he is good and ready!
As an update, thank you for the prayers that Jeremiah and my mother-in-law would get better, they are almost over the cold. I am just starting to get it but am trying to stay healthy!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
One of my favorite things....
These things are awesome! You can buy them at the health food store and run about $3.29 a bottle. I try to drink half of one everyday. They take a little getting used to, but once you're hooked there is no going back!! I think I may try making my own Kombucha at home, it would have to be cheaper than stocking up on these things!!
Old habits die hard..
On another note, Jeremiah is coming down with a nasty cold. He is loading up on Zycam and Airborne, in addition to the other things you do to get a cold to go away. Please pray that he gets well soon and that I don't get it! If I go into labor with a cold I will have to wear a mask and gloves when the little person comes. Not quite how I pictured it in my mind!!
PS - Martha also cursed and burnt the sticky buns! Yay!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Excuse me?
Anyway, here is the latest prego pic. I almost didn't post it because I look so darn exhausted, but then I thought, "Hey, that's being 9 months pregnant!!"
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Perhaps I am feeling a bit out of sorts with my inability to plan the labor? I am quite excited about not knowing when the baby will come, but organizing visits and what not afterwards has really been weighing on my mind. Perhaps for my own sanity (and those around me!) I may ask folks to wait a few days before coming by, and then giving Jeremiah and I a call to see if we are ready for visitors. If that does happen, please know that we DO want everyone to be able to meet this sweet little person, but it is a big transition and Jeremiah and I move a bit slower than most and may need a few days to hibernate and begin this much anticipated transition.
38 Week Check Up and a Rant...
Now to the rant. Jeremiah's company is having each employee and their spouse do a biometric screening by December 31. A doc has to check my height, weight, waist circumference (!!!), blood pressure, and I have to have a glucose screening done and my lipid levels checked. Ummm...I have explained to the insurance and the company that I am NINE months pregnant and that these test won't be valid until I am at least 6wks postpartum, but they could care less. So, I'm going to have stats like an old man. Hopefully they won't give me the boot. Mary Louise (midwife) is pretty miffed at the whole thing and made it clear that she does not think it is a good idea. What's a girl to do??
Monday, November 24, 2008
Yeah, so Pt II
I also made an appointment for a haircut, pedicure and a prenatal massage. Now that should be fun!
Stocking up...
For anyone who is interested, here is what is on the lineup:
- Vegetarian stuffed shells (2-4 serving casseroles)
- Aunt Liz's Chicken Spaghetti Casserole (2-4 serving casseroles)
- Chicken Potato Casserole (8 servings)
- Green chile chicken enchiladas (2-5 serving casseroles)
- Meatball stew en casserole (8-10 servings)
- Turkey burgers & beef burgers (4 of each kind, 8 total - and these can be cooked from frozen right on the George Foreman Grill!)
- Baked Ziti (serves a small army)
- Burritos (8 total, great for an easy lunch!)
- Meatloaf
- Hebrew Nationals! (serves 4)
- Spaghetti and Meatballs (serves how ever many, and can be heated in the crock pot!)
- Chicken Soup (as much as we want to make)
I also have veggie steamers that can just be thrown in the microwave for a quick, healthy side dish.
Now all I need is the baby!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Yeah, so...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Yay! It's over!!
Thank you for the prayers!
On a side note, I had a mommy moment while taking the test. BH is usually pretty squirmy in the mornings, but while I was taking the test he was so still, right up to the end when there was some appendage sticking out of my right side. About half way through the exam I looked down at my tummy and though, "Oh, what a sweet boy, you're being so good." I can't wait to meet this little guy.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Hippie in Me
Anyway, because of this desire, quotes like this one really strike a cord with me:
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thanks, Mom, for the reminder that an IV will seem like a pretty small thing when I'm having labor contractions.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Stocking up my freezer!
Baby Classes!
Once we wrapped up for the evening, Jeremiah and I headed to The Dollar Inn. Now, granted, we did choose to stay at the cheapest place we could find. Come to find out, we got exactly what we paid for! It. was. hilarious. First we got the key to an occupied room, so we almost became quite close with our neighbors. Then an oversight led us to a smoking room. Then we were given the key our sanctuary for the evening. Dirty sheets, trash on the floor, nasty bathrooms, and the sound of traffic to lull us to sleep. What more could a 36.5 week prego lady ask for? At least one of the beds were clean and we decided to just sleep. Easier said than done, but whatever! The next morning we headed over the office for our "continental breakfast" which was really some old donuts and a pot of coffee. Sigh, I took my joe and powdered donut and then we were off to our baby classes, all fueled up and ready to go!!
Saturday we watched some birthing videos (with lots of squirmy daddy's watching!!), learned about breastfeeding, did some communication worksheets to make sure mom and dad were on the same page, then we got to head up to the Family Birthing Center to check things out. We saw where to park, where to come in, the triage rooms, and the birthing rooms. We then headed over to the nursery. The nurses were lovely and I really felt at ease seeing what they were going to do to the little guy and knowing that Jeremiah would be with him the entire time.
Oh, and they have a special lactation room where mom's can return to the hospital and get some one on one help if any problems with breastfeeding come up. Very cool.
We ended the day by learning some laboring positions, pressure points, and whatnot.
The whole experience got me so excited for the big day! I may be some wacko, but I am so curious about what labor will be like. I am actually very excited about! It also helped the reality of a BABY to sink in a bit more. I kind of feel like I am just going through the motions and this weekend really helped it to all sink in. There is a POINT in all this prep! A sweet little bundle, who, thankfully, doesn't legally have to be named for 12 days after birth :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
36 Week Appointment!
I met with Mary Louise today, whom I love, she is a lot of fun! She guessed that the little guy is going to weigh about 7.12, then changed her mind to 7.9. I hear she is almost always right, so we will see! We did my Group B Strep test and she also checked me and I am dilated to 1.5cm and 60% effaced. Is that TMI for a blog? Well, I am thrilled that things are moving along and somewhat shocked that I, yes I, am actually going to have a baby! Whoa! My big test for nursing school is next Friday morning, so as long as he stays in until then, which I have politely requested, I will be a happy camper! Things have really got crazy for Miah at work this week so he is hoping the little guy will come right on time, which is just what Mary Louise predicts. Also, we talked about how much Jeremiah and I weighed (8.15 & 7.14) and how my mom's labor progressed (4.5hrs from start to finish). I must say, I hope that I take after my mom in that regard!!
This weekend we head to Durango for our baby class weekend. Then we will be all set for the big day!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Boot camp!
So, while I have had to set running and even walking aside for now, I am still finding ways to stay active, but I did have to take a nap this afternoon. The different activity really wore me out!
Gary has started calling me Jane Fonda, which I absolutely object too. I did feel a little better when he said, "Well, how about a conservative Jane Fonda?"
Monday, November 10, 2008
A dry run.
Yesterday Jeremiah and I installed the carseat. Our little Rav4 doesn't have a whole lot of room, but we got it in there. Once we got the base installed, Jeremiah got the actual carseat to practice taking it in and out of the car. Trust me, Baby Hayes will be grateful we had this practice. It was pretty bumpy! Then Jeremiah got the stroller so we could practice the stroller to car and back motion. This wasn't good enough because there was no baby in the carseat. So, into the house for the bear stuffed with beans. This bear weighs a ton! Once we had that down, Jeremiah was convinced we were ready. We had a lot of fun :)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Nursing school.
Although I tried (and tried!) to get into nursing school at UNM, I was never able to, hence my decision to apply at Hawaii Pacific University. I was accepted right as I met my Miah and we were married so quickly that I put nursing on the back burner again and graduated with a BUS degree (in stuff: African American studies, communication, history and religion...) from UNM. When HPU sent me a letter a few months later, it was just the catalyst that Jeremiah and I needed and we moved to HI (that is the Reader's Digest version). We bought a condo right down the street from HPU and it all seemed to fall into place. Until Jeremiah was told he would be working 5 days a week for at least 6 months on another island. After much prayer about the decision to be spending so much time apart we decided that the Lord was leading us to move to Molokai and back to the back burner nursing went. Perhaps I should not say back burner, because each time nursing school did not work out I was sure that the Lord was directing our path and leading us in the way we should go. I knew I was making the right decision for my marriage by not attending HPU - not only the right decision, but the one the Lord wanted me to make.
Well, now another opportunity has presented itself. I am applying to the nursing program here in Farmington. I have a big comprehensive exam to take on November 21 (Baby Hayes, please stay put until then!!!) and much of my day is spent studying. Let me tell ya, it has been an adjustment preparing for an exam again after all these years! Thank goodness for that period of being an algebra tutor while we were in HI!! I will apply to San Juan's nursing program before the baby is due and will find out next April if I made it. It is a very competitive program, just like at UNM, so we will see what the future holds. I would not start until next fall, of 2010. The neat thing is that because of all the credits I have from UNM my first two semesters would consist of only one class and I would be able to skip the first summer of classes entirely.
So, I have no idea was the future holds, but I am grateful that I can try, try once again!!
"Strength and dignity are her clothing. She SMILES at the future."
Proverbs 13:25
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Big Brother Comes HOME!!
This picture is from Thanksgiving a couple of years ago when everyone came over to Molokai. It makes me giggle because of the big brother/little sister dynamic that was occuring. I am somewhat afraid of the ocean, but with Gary by my side I would always get in.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sweet Dreams.
Dream #1
I had a dream that we had two twin boys. After the first boy was born and placed in my arms, he looked right at me and said, "Speak to me!" I had just learned (in reality, not dreamland) that my child had the ability to hear my voice, so I guess that is where that came from!
Dream #2
I was having twins (seeing a theme here?) and the doctor gave me two dolls to take home to practice parenting. However, when I was carrying one of the dolls around it turned into an actual child! I frantically started searching for doll #2 only to find him underneath the kitchen table. He was beautiful with a lot of red hair, neatly combed and pretty blue eyes.
Dream #3
I had twins, again, a boy and a girl. This was a rather boring dream, other than the fact that they were AFRICAN AMERICAN! Don't know how Jeremiah and I pulled that one off.
Dream #4
Last night I dreamt I had a sweet baby girl. The funny thing was, the nurses put her in a silly lion's costume right after she was born. Perhaps because I have been reading through the Chronicle's of Narnia???
Jeremiah Dream #1
He, too, dreamt that we had African American twin boys. He was stuck in traffic and didn't make the delivery on time. Much to his dismay the nurse had named them (where was I????) without consulting the parents. He only remembered the name of one of the boys: Benjamin.
We have been praying that God will show us the right name for our son, so perhaps this was a sign?? I really doubt it :) I have really been thinking about international adoption a lot lately, so perhaps that is why there are so many black babies popping up in my dreams!
As a disclaimer, I have seen two ultrasounds, and despite my crazy dreams I can rest assured (ha ha) that there is only ONE little BOY in there!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Maternity Pictures!


Do everything without complaining....
- Feet, or some other body part, in my ribs.
- How often I drop things and how hard it is to pick it up.
- All this peeing.
- The little guy using my bladder as a punching bag.
- Not sleeping well.
- Fatigue.
- My heart rate issue when I workout.
- Having to give up walks at Berg Park and the chance to feed my ducky friends that comes with.
- The eager anticipation of this little person's arrival.
I really am stoked about meeting Baby Hayes (and finally settling on a name for the kid). Sometimes I feel like when I am telling Jeremiah, for the millionth time that my hands, feet, or upper belly area (weird) are falling asleep, or whatever the current ailment is, that I am not doing a very good job of savoring the moment. I am surprised to find that (gasp!) I don't really enjoy being pregnant.
Perhaps I should think about those feet in my ribs meaning that he is growing big and strong. And use the sleepless nights as a chance to prepare myself for the sleepless nights to come. How much sweeter they will be when the little guy is actually in my arms!!
Sigh, in hindsight these last weeks will be only a moment.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Shepherd's Pie.
Shepherds Pie
2 large potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon finely chopped onion
1/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
salt and pepper to taste
5 carrots, chopped
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 onion, chopped
1/2 c. celery
1 pound lean ground beef
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
4 tablespoons ketchup
dash of Worcestershire sauce
3/4 cup beef broth
1/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add potatoes and cook until tender but still firm, about 15 minutes. Drain and mash. Mix in butter, finely chopped onion and 1/4 cup shredded cheese. Season with salt and pepper to taste; set aside. (Note from Susan: I spiced up the potatoes a bit more. Added milk, some sour cream, garlic powder...)
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add carrots and cook until tender but still firm, about 15 minutes. Drain, mash and set aside. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C.)
Heat oil in a large frying pan. Add onion and celery and cook until clear. Add ground beef and cook until well browned. Pour off excess fat, then stir in flour and cook 1 minute. Add ketchup and beef broth. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
Spread the ground beef in an even layer on the bottom of a 2 quart casserole dish. Next, spread a layer of mashed carrots. Top with the mashed potato mixture and sprinkle with remaining shredded cheese.
Bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes, or until golden brown.
I served it with brown gravy, it was delish! Great leftovers, too.
Seven things about me..

Friday, October 17, 2008
The nursery!
In this first one, I have his bathrobe and towel hanging from lovely shelf Cris got us. And, of course, the cute hamper Jen got us.




Thursday, October 16, 2008
32 Week Check-up!
Then I drove on up to Aztec for my 32 week appointment. Today I met with Amy who I am liking more and more. I am healthy and measuring right on target and the little guy is too. His heart rate was in the 130's. He has shifted positions and is now laying vertical, but Amy said that is really normal for 32 weeks and he should shift into the right position as he gets bigger and runs out of room. She also guessed that he wouldn't be bigger than about 8lbs, but said it was too early to tell. I had some questions about the upcoming birth. I feel like I have this big event looming on the horizon and no clue what I'm "in for" so to speak. I mean, if it was a race or some sporting event I would be preparing: training, eating certain things, tapering, etc. This, much to my chagrin, is going to much more intense than a marathon and I want to be DOING something! Amy was really reassuring. She told me that my body knows what to do and to not let my mind psyche me out. She also told me to chill out on the reading (I have read "What to Expect", "Ina' May's Guide to Childbirth", the Bradley books, "Pregnancy and the Newborn"...just to name a few). She said that for each book over two that it adds 6 hours to delivery. Can I unread books and end up with like a 10 minute delivery :) Hmm...Anyway, she also said that after I go to my birthing classes, which we are doing as a weekend event in November, that I will feel much more confident.
I am really grateful that I don't have any fears about the birth, I am actually really looking forward to it. I just wish there was more I felt like I could do to prepare.
On another note, I finished the nursery yesterday. There will be pictures soon!
A question for the mom's out there!
Inquiring minds want to know!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Before and NOW!

This was taken today! This shirt has never had to work so hard!! Ha ha ha!
Friday, October 10, 2008
October 10th!
Well, I did get the bulbs in the ground, all 72 of them. Turns out that day at the nursery I was thinking very little about the process of planting and more about how beautiful they will be in full bloom. And while I was at it I decided to mow the lawn, which was a first for me. I did it, without incident, and now I am wondering if I should have because I can't use the "I don't know how..." as an excuse not to :)
This weekend I am throwing a shower for Brittany Mirabal, who is due November 30th with a little boy as well, who is to be named Shepherd Gabriel. What a great name! I am planning on a fall theme and making lots of yummy desserts. Pictures will follow!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
A date at 3am.
It's a funny thing, becoming a mom.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
At the end of the day...
I did get the room cleared and we got the window treatment done. Not too bad for a Sunday.

Nursery Update!

As an update on the shower, it was beautiful. I forgot my camera, of course, but Kristen came through (she photographed my wedding) and I just need to get the pictures from her. I had such a lovely time visiting with the sweet ladies that came. Mrs. Vicki, as always, out did herself and everything was lovely. We ate lunch, which was much like going to tea at the St. James, drank a ton of tea, played a few games and opened gifts. As an extra blessing, Candice gave me her high chair (thank you!), so that is one more thing to cross of the list. Another blessing we received was through Meg Wallace, who has given me her breast pump motor (don't worry, I have all new attachments, it is quite safe) and also her jogging stroller! What a blessing!!
I am so grateful for everything that the people in our lives have done for us. Truly, my cup overflows.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Back to Albuquerque!
Josh Covert comes home from Iraq today too, yeah! This is the Josh that Jeremiah wants to name our son after. I think Josh is wonderful, and so darn funny, he would be a great name sake for our little guy. We will see! I will include a picture of Josh's trip to Oahu, so you all can "meet" him. The picture of Jeremiah and I kayaking by Lanikai was taken by Josh on that trip.
Please note in the photo that Jeremiah is posing for the camera and I am trying, furiously, to figure out the paddling and prove that I could do it!
Here's to safe travels!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
30 Week Check Up.
On a side note, at the gym yesterday while trying to do the things I used to be able to do and fighting the reality of my 7 1/2 month prego body, I was watching some animal show. Get this. There was a show about pregnant elephants. Did you know they are pregnant for 22 months?! AND, that they give birth to, sit down, 300 pound baby elephants? No, stinking, way. Thank God for 8 pounders and 40 weeks!! Yikes!
Anyway, Miah and I went to Aztec today for our check up. I am so grateful for the Aztec clinic so that I don't have to drive to Durango every other week. It was the first baby appointment that Miah has been able to attend since we moved. We really wanted the midwives to get to know both of us...we're partners in this afer all! Today we met with Heidi. I hadn't met her before and she was just lovely. There are three midwives: Heidi, Mary-Louise, and Amy. They all have a ton of experience, different way of doing things, and one of them will for sure be with me while I labor. I feel really confident about our choice to use Southwest midwives. Anyway, everything looked good, we're both healthy as can be! My only real question was about this pain I am having. Turns out it is just some joint that never stretches is stretching because of the little guy's head pushing against it. It is really uncomfortable when I exercise, but Heide said my maternity support belt (very glamorous) should help with that.
I also asked about coming to Albuquerque for Thanksgiving. I had really hoped to make the trip because I have no intention of coming down for several weeks after the baby is born. Knowing myself, I will want very badly to "show off" our sweet bundle, but I will need time, I think about 6 weeks, to rest, recover and just sit and stare and this sweet little human. However, something about me driving four hours away from where I am supposed to deliver 13 days before I am due didn't sit real well with the midwife. But as the time draws closer we shall see!!
By the way, I have only gotten sick once today and am managing to keep down a healthy lunch and my prenatals! Yay!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
It's back...

Meet Baxter, the sweetest dog that has ever graced the planet. He is far away with our friends in Hawaii, and I miss him more than I miss the beach! He surfs, loves to play in the sand, and collects "binks"...stuffed animals.
So, we have decided against adopting a dog until the little guy arrives and we settle into our roles as parents. We also cannot agree on what kind of dog to get. Miah wants a younger white lab while I want an older golden. We will see who wins...